Hope to see you all again soon!
It's been such a pleasure meeting you after your very special voyage. I look
forward to seeing you again!
It was great having you guys at my KL Place, glad it worked out so well. Sharing
your trip enriches others. Had you not met up with my Dan in Salvador we would
not have met! That would have been sad. The best to you all, and your future
PS Feel free to stop in Key Largo, FL. Boy, in the future, maybe even join us on a Florida East Coast bike trip.
Herb and Eleanor were part of our big welcome to the beautiful canal in Key Largo! They make great cranberry muffins and I can't wait to try the homemade soup.
Thanks for the hospitality. It was neat to be part of your adventure, even
if I only caught the tail-end. Best of luck on whatever you do next!
-Greg, "Potential Buyer"